3 year old preschool – we have time

‘We will invest in quality preschool programs to be available across a range of service providers, to support flexibility for families, and preschool of the highest quality no matter where it is offered.’ – A new perspective on early childhood development- Government of South Australia.

All three-year-old children in South Australia will be able to access a three-year-old program by 2032. This presents a significant change in how most preschool services and facilities are currently used.

How do we create an inclusive learning culture for all children while recognising and catering for individual children’s development?

This is a 2 part series of 3-hour sessions, designed to critically reflect on and examine what three-year-old preschool might mean for educators, children and families and beyond. How can we progress this government commitment by while considering our beliefs and practices as individuals and teams for our learning community?

Links to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:

6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice

7.2 Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements

7.4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

Facilitated by: Penny Cook

  • Part 1: 2nd May 2025
  • Part 2: 16th May 2025
Register Now ($200 for both)