Inclusion Aware

Inclusion awareness is a component of inclusive practices which refers to the consistent and considered thought given to environments, resources and planning to ensure you are ready and able to welcome children (and families) with a range of needs, abilities, interests and backgrounds. Gowrie SA as the Inclusion Agency for South Australia would like to recognise services who have strong inclusion awareness.

To be considered ‘Inclusion Aware’ services would demonstrate that:

  • They have a Strategic Inclusion Plan in place.
  • Environments and programs are planned to support participation and recognise strengths of children.
  • The focus is on the whole environment and not just an individual child.
  • They have a commitment to identifying any barriers to inclusion and actively seeking solutions and strategies to address these.
  • They collaborate and build partnerships with families and communities.

Use the link below to apply for any of the five Areas of Inclusion:

As you cannot save your progress within the surveys, we have created a template for you to prepare your answers in the relevant section. Template available here.