Men and Gender Diverse Individuals at Work in the Early Years

Recent Australian research studying the everyday work of educators shows just how complex and highly skilled exemplary educator practice is, and just how low the rates of retention are for all educators, especially for men and gender-diverse individuals in the sector. Outwardly perceived as highly feminised work, the very nature of education and care can blur the boundaries around what our professional practice should entail in the early years and how this work should be 'performed'. In this session we will explore how we can manage our professional boundaries using protective practices and an 'ethics of care' approach in our everyday work with young children and our colleagues.*

* Please note that if there is sufficient interest, we are considering running a gender-diversity network as monthly 1-hour Zoom sessions. These would be co-facilitated discussions with guests.

Links to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:

6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice

6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice

7.2 Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements

Facilitated by: Jessie Jovanovic

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