Our Approach to Quality
Since 1940, Gowrie SA has built a reputation for being a provider of high quality, innovative and relationship-focused early childhood education through long day care and kindergarten programs for children from birth to school age. We strive to exceed the National Quality Standard for early childhood education in Australia by providing exceptional care in a natural, play-based learning environment with long-term benefits for young children. We are committed to continuously improving the quality of the service we offer children and their families, recognising our role in their learning and development that is imperative in the critical early years of a child’s life.

Ongoing professional learning is essential for all of our educators and staff to ensure we are engaged in new research and information. We employ a mix of degree and diploma qualified educators, all of whom are encouraged to continue their learning through attendance at professional development courses, early childhood conferences and further study. Our educators’ goal is always to improve the quality of care and education outcomes for children by meeting children’s social, emotional and intellectual development needs.
The quality of our learning environment hinges on small groupings and high educator:child ratios to sustain child engagement and involvement, leading to better child wellbeing and learning opportunities. We prioritise ensuring there is continuity among our staff to support the relationship between a primary caregiver and the children in his or her care, and to build a partnership with the child’s family to facilitate responsive care and ensure open communication channels. Throughout the year, we plan social events for families and educators to network with one another, and cuppa and chat opportunities to allow conversations between families and educators about their child's learning and development.