Links & Publications
Snapshots and Research
Assessment FOR learning - As an integral part of the planning cycle, assessment FOR learning deserves our close attention.
Attachment - Understanding the nature and quality of secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships.
Behaviour Guidance - How do educators support children when their behaviour is not helpful to themselves or to others around them?
Continuous Cycle of Improvement - Quality for every child, every day.
Leading Others - Understanding the context and meaning of leadership within our roles.
Professional Learning - Is it simply a matter of “when you know better, you do better”?
Professionalism - Understanding the NQF Code of Ethics in our practice and interactions.
Sustainability - How does your service take an active role in caring for the environment? Is it embedded into everyday practice?
Talking with Families - Forming meaningful collaborative partnerships with families and communities.
Pedagogical Documentation: A South Australian Perspective (E-book)
A resource for early education and care educator teams.
Written by Jamie Huff Sisson and Victoria Whitington
Understanding Attachment Theory, Emotional Availability and Application in Early Childhood Settings eBook written by Dr Yasmin Harman-Smith PhD, University of Adelaide. Published by Lady Gowrie Child Centre (SA).
In this resource, you will find a selection of real examples of programs that offer ideas and inspiration for possible program formats to support working with the My Time, Our Place (MTOP), the Framework for School Age Care in Australia, and the National Quality Standards (NQS).
Gowrie Australia Reflections
Gowrie Australia Reflections is a monthly digital publication of the latest pedagogical research in Early Education and Care.
Please download and enjoy the latest issue.
Issue 4 - 2022 | Rainbow connection: gender diversity takes pride of place at Gowrie Victoria | Balancing act: looking at educator wellbeing and its impacts on the children in our care at Lady Gowrie Qld.
Issue 3 - 2022 | Achieving ‘the right fit’: Lady Gowrie Tasmania Pathway to a Traineeship program | Driving force: A culture of coaching and mentoring to help combat workforce concerns at Gowrie Vic
Issue 2 - 2022 | The Importance of Advocating for Children’s Rights During a Pandemic at Gowrie SA | The Young and the Young at Heart, Connecting Generations at Gowrie WA
Issue 1 - 2022 | You have to concentrate really hard so you don’t fall: Children’s capacity to assess and manage risky play at Gowrie SA | Reflections and connections in the toddler learning circle at Gowrie NSW
Issue 2 - 2021 | Nurturing a Love of Cultures at Gowrie SA
Issue 1 - 2021 | Meaningful Encounters in Play – A Story of Practitioner Inquiry at Gowrie NSW | Learning on Country – Gowrie Broadmeadows’ story of connecting with Country
Issue 5 2020 | You have to be very brave from a dinosaur you know - Re-imagining OSHC programs at Lady Gowrie Tasmania | Unfolding paradigms - Forming pedagogical identity at Gowrie NSW
Issue 4 - 2020 | Partnering with Parents: Building Quality Relationships that Benefit Children
Issue 3- 2020 | Children's Learning in Social Settings: Insights from educator research
Issue 2 - 2020 | A System Approach to Pedagogical Leadership - Reflections on Leader Practice
Issue 1 - 2020 | Addressing the Impacts of Bushfires on Australian Children
Issue 8 - 2019 | Looking In - Children as reflective thinkers
Issue 7 - 2019 | Listening to the Jacaranda - Educator's reflections about space and place
Issue 6 - 2019 | One up, two down - How we stay connected with children
Issue 5 - 2019 | Back to the beginning - Lady Gowrie and the integrated service model
Issue 4 - 2019 | Executive function - looking through a new lens
Issue 3 - 2019 | Empathic educators and Outside School Hours Care
Issue 2 - 2019 | Language is powerful - a reflection on labelling
Issue 1 - 2019 | Engaging in professional learning: Relationships, connections and practice
Issue 12 - 2018 | Put your hand up - from conversation to connection: A reflection on breaking down barriers and enriching our programs
Issue 11 - 2018 | “Get all cosy … it’s like chill out”: Children’s perspectives on relaxation in early childhood education and care
Issue 10 - 2018 | Physical health and wellbeing: Innovative approaches in an inner-city community
Issue 9 - 2018 | How does your garden grow?
Issue 8 - 2018 | The essential ingredient of leadership – mentoring and coaching
Issue 7 - 2018 | Information literacy: What is it and what pedagogies support information literacy in early childhood?
Issue 6 - 2018 | Capturing the story – an exploration of respectful documentation
Issue 5 - 2018 | Bringing leadership into focus: Looking through multiple lenses
Issue 4 - 2018 | Invisible transitions: A birth to three-year-old perspective
Issue 3 - 2018 | Cultural respect and safety training: Gowrie SA
Issue 2 - 2018 | Are you ready for the new child care package?
Issue 1 - 2018 | Supporting children to physically flourish through action research
All Reflections articles released prior to 2018 can be found at the Gowrie NSW website
Gowrie SA Annual Reports