Currently Gowrie SA RTO (4436) has on scope of our registration:
CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse people
Gowrie SA (4436) has developed a unique 10-week pilot:
"Introduction to working in early education and care"
This is aimed at:
- school leavers
- those seeking a career change
- those returning from extended leave
- those wanting to see if a career in early childhood is the right 'fit' for them.
Information including future cohorts, fee structures, timeframes, enrolment information, RTO policies, student rights and obligations, prerequisites, venues, and modes of delivery are available on request.
Any enquiries regarding information or enrolment to study with Gowrie SA can be directed to: 08 823455219 or train@gowriesa.org.au
The complaints and appeals policy is available – please contact Gowrie SA as above for more information.