The Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care training is now available and bookings are available on Plink.
Click here to learn more about the course.
Please note any difficulty with booking or using Plink please contact: education.RRHANEC@sa.gov.au
The training consists of:
- 2 hour online Fundamentals course (suitable as a first step for anyone who has never done the training or who has a lapsed certificate)
- 4 hour Masterclass session -face to face or online (Required with the fundamentals for anyone who has never done the training or who has a lapsed certificate)
Step 1:
Create an account in Plink https://www.plink.sa.edu.au/
Step 2:
Complete the 2-hour fundamentals RRHAN-EC session online (via Plink)
Step 3:
Complete and submit the feedback survey to access session dates for Masterclass booking
Step 4:
Book into and pay for the 4-hour Masterclass (via Plink)
Step 5:
Complete the 4-hour Masterclass (Zoom link will be available via Plink)
Step 6:
You will receive your certificate via Plink/email. (Certificate will always be accessible via Plink)
Please note your booking is not confirmed until you make payment for the session. Any bookings made require payment within 24 hours or they will be cancelled.
All available dates will be displayed on Plink and there are wait lists in place for each session.
This training is essential for all staff working with children and young people.
This training is mandatory for all teachers and all staff working in Department for Education, Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) Association of Independent Schools of South Australia (AISSA). Gowrie SA is an approved training provider.
If you have a current Safe Environments – Through Their Eyes training full-day certificate, you are able to do the free online fundamentals 2-hour session for RRHAN-EC through Plink. By completing this you will meet the requirements of both CSE and RRHAN-EC.
Please note: For participants under the age of 18, it is the employers’ responsibility to assess each participant in regard to their age and experience and therefore the appropriateness of attending this course due to the sensitive nature of the content.
Further information
Please see frequently asked questions for further information.
- By booking this session you agree to the Terms and Conditions. Confirmation of your booking will be emailed to you. If you require your tax invoice, this can be downloaded from the receipt page.
- Due to the requirements of the session, participants will not be permitted to join the training more than 15 minutes after it commences.
- All sessions are currently facilitated using the Zoom platform. Login details will be emailed to you upon booking.
- Certificates will be available in Plink and emailed to you after the session.
For any face to face sessions:
Participants cannot attend our face to face sessions if they have the below symptoms:
Symptoms include (but are not limited to) fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath. Please see SA Health Website for further information.
On arrival at any face to face session please ensure you:
Practice good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene as this is the best defence against most viruses.
You should:
- wash your hands frequently with soap and water, on arrival and departure, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet
- cover your cough and sneeze, dispose of tissues, and use sanitizer where soap and water are not available
- and if unwell, avoid contact with others (stay more than 1.5 metres from people).
If you have any questions call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.