Identifying and challenging sacred cows in our early childhood paddocks
Identifying and challenging sacred cows in our early childhood paddocks – to improve learning and care for children.
Do you ever feel like some of your practices don’t match your intentions? What could that be about? What gets in the way? What are the things we’ve always done in the ways we’ve always done them but don’t feel quite right? Do they work for children?
Do children need to all eat at the same time when our intention is to build children’s agency? Does ‘challenging behaviour’ belong to the child or might it be a response to the learning environment, routines or expectations? Come along to this half day session to engage in a process to surface sacred cows, challenge them and make new cows – all in a fun way!
Learn skills to take back to your service to challenge your unique sacred cows as a way to utilise critical reflection authentically in your service.