T.E.A.M. Development Together Educators Achieve More | Gowrie SA

T.E.A.M. Development Together Educators Achieve More

Are you looking for a session to help create a roadmap for your team? Maybe a session to help inspire you on how to support a growth mindset within your team and how to work through everyday challenges? Perhaps some information to manage conflicts between staff as well as successfully engaging educators so that they feel heard? This session will focus on how to enhance teamwork and will cover topics such as effective communication, professional and pedagogical conversations as well as the important role of restorative practice in conflict resolution. Because when the emphasis is on the TEAM dynamics, together educators will and can achieve more!

Links to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:

6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice

7.4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities.

Facilitated by: Heidi Matthews

Register Now ($105)