Understanding children’s behaviour | Gowrie SA

Understanding children’s behaviour

Society ‘expects’ children to establish acceptable behaviour patterns and educators often face the problem of how best to manage behaviour we find challenging. We often search for ‘strategies’ or answers, rather than considering what we may change or do differently.

Utilising the principle of reflective practice (EYLF/MTOP), this session will inspire and motivate you in your work to support children to make sense of their behaviour whilst meeting your goals of building strong relationships.

Links to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
3.5 Use effective classroom communication
4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
Manage challenging behaviour by establishing and negotiating clear expectations with students and address discipline issues promptly, fairly and respectfully.

Facilitated by: Heidi Matthews

To finalise the registration you must select your attendance method via the drop down box (In Person or Online).

Wayne Quilliam18 Gowrie 429
Register Now ($105)